written in 1997, by Robert T. Kiyosaki, this book was originally written as the playing instructions for his game Cashflow 101. The book rapidly increased in popularity after Robert was interviewed on the Oprah Winfrey show. This book has transformed my thinking on money and investment. Being brought up and educated in Scotland I was always taught the value of money and how to earn and create multiple streams of income. This book took me many steps forward in my approach to money and long term wealth creation. The book is written like a story and describes Robert and his two fathers, his biological father and his best friend, Mike’s, father. If you are new to personal finance then this is a critical book for you to read. Simple and well written, you will get a lot of value and it will transform your thinking on how to plan your financial future. If you want to know more about the game then check out Robert’s website or send me an email using the ‘contact’ form.